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Policies and legal

The boring (but important) stuff.

Initial Notice

This page refers to Detalo Creative Marketing Limited as ‘Detalo Creative’, ‘we’ and ‘us’, and the client and/or user as ‘the client’, ‘customer’, ‘user’ or ‘you’. It is important to note that we reserve the right to amend and modify the below policies at any time, and so it is your responsibility to review this page frequently. Any changes made to this page will take immediate effect from the date it is posted, however clients will be notified of any substantial changes made to these policies to provide complete transparency on the information and data we collect and process.

Privacy Policy

What information do we collect?

In addition to the data collected through our cookies and analytics section accessible below, when you voluntarily submit a service enquiry or contact form through our website, or enquire via telephone and provide us with details, we collect your name, business name, email address, telephone number, services interested in, business type/scale and contact preferences. This is to allow us to generate a quotation or response relative to your request, provide any services to you, and to permit correspondence both in the present time and future. We also use this information to provide ongoing support to our clients where necessary, and to comply with any applicable laws and regulations.

How do we store your information?

We respect the privacy of our users and clients, and so when you provide us with your details, they are securely stored in our client database. The database is used only to provide quality services and information to our customers, and any information provided to us will be protected to the best of our ability. We do not and will not share your information with any organisation outside of Detalo Creative, and if we anticipate this may be necessary, you will be notified and asked for permission prior.

Cyber security disclosure

Though as previously stated we take the best and most secure measures to protect any information that you provide us with, we cannot fully guarantee against cyber-attacks or criminal activity that wrongfully gains access to your data, although we will take the upmost precautions to prevent such events from occurring. If your information is leaked or compromised as part of a cyber event or related incident, you will be immediately notified by us under UK and GDPR law.

Client portal privacy

Our client portal is hosted on a platform provided to us by Copilot. When you onboard with us, you agree to let us share your email address and any other necessary information with Copliot/our client portal. This is to allow us to create an account on your behalf, where you can utilise the services available through the portal, such as accessing forms, uploading and downloading files, making payments and more. Once your account is created, you will be sent a link asking you to ‘set a password’. We will not have access to this password, and it will only be for your use to login and manage your account. If you do not wish to be given access to our client portal or for the above information to be shared with Copilot, you must inform us of this on your own accord immediately or after agreeing to work with us. For further information on Copilots own terms of use and privacy policies, please visit their website.


When you voluntarily subscribe to our newsletter, you agree to provide us with your email address. This is used to send promotional information to you via email, where you will receive exclusive insights such as offers, our current projects or upcoming events. You can unsubscribe from receiving newsletters at any time by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of any communications, or by emailing us at

Financial privacy

It is important to be aware that we do not collect any financial information that you input to our service providers through an invoice or payment portal. We use Stripe to collect payments, which is widely recognised as a safe and secure system for requesting and accepting payments, used by millions of companies worldwide. Stripe uses best-in-class security practices to maintain a high level of security and fully complies with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) and other relevant legislation. If you do not wish to make a payment to us through stripe and/or our client portal, please inform us of this and we will arrange an alternative payment method, such as bank transfer. For information on Stripe’s terms of use and privacy policy, please visit their site.

Cookies Policy

As is common practice with almost all websites, this site uses cookies, which are small text files downloaded to your device to improve user experiences. We do not and will not use cookies to collect any information that can be used to personally identify you. 


This section describes what information cookies gather, how we use this information and why we need to store these cookies. It also details how you can prevent cookies from being stored, however it is important to be aware this may downgrade or damage certain features of the sites functionality.

It is recommended that you leave on all cookies if you are unsure whether you need them or not. This is in case they are used to provide a service that you are using.

Disabling cookies

You can prevent the usage of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser. Please see your browsers support section for further information. Importantly, disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and other websites that you may visit, and could result in certain elements of this site being disabled.

The cookies we set

Forms related cookies

When you submit data through a form, such as those found on our contact or service enquiry pages, cookies may be set in order to remember your user details for future correspondence.

Site preferences cookies

To provide you with an intuitive experience across our website, we provide the functionality to set your preferences for how this site runs when you use it. To remember your preferences, we need to set cookies so that this information can be collected whenever you interact with our site. You are automatically enrolled in essential cookies when you visit, however additional preferences can be managed through the cookies settings found on our site.

Third Party Cookies

In addition to the above, this site may also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter throughout.

This site uses Google Analytics - one of the most trusted analytics solutions on the internet. It is used to aid us in understanding how you use our site and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on our site, the pages that you visit, how and where you interact from and more. Any data collected from these analytics is used to contribute to the improvement and engagement of our site.

For further information on Google Analytics or cookies, see the official Google Analytics page. If you wish to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics all together, you can do so by visiting this page. For generic information on the usage of cookies, please visit the website.

Additionally, this site is designed in Wix Studio - a complex CMS website builder designed for agencies - and hosted on the Wix servers. Your data may be stored through Wix’s databases and/or relevant applications, which is stored securely behind a firewall. For information on Wix’s privacy and their policies, please visit their site.

Additional Information

We’re confident that this page has provided clarity on our privacy policy, what cookies are, how we use them, how to disable them and more. If you have any concerns about any information or data that we collect about you, or to ask us to remove any data/information related to you or your business please email

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property displayed throughout this website and our social media pages, including but not limited to our logo and brand assets, remains the sole property and ownership of Detalo Creative Marketing Limited. You may not use any of our IP for your own or business use unless explicit permission is given by us in advance. Our IP is protected by international and UK copyright law, therefore any infringement of our design work will result in the pursuance of legal action.

Terms of Use

Branded Community Project

The branded community project, delivered and maintained only by Detalo Creative Marketing Limited, is a charitable programme designed to deliver bespoke brand and website design services to third sector organisations free of charge* in order to support and enhance their marketing operations for the benefit of the community or cause that they aid/support. 

Eligibility is subject to the following criteria. Your business must be in the third sector and be a non-profit organisation, including, but not limited to: a charity, voluntary and community organisation or social enterprise. Your company/charity must be based in Scotland. Each application is subject to individual discretion and will be chosen by us based on the strength and reasoning of your application. 

All projects will be subject to the same terms and conditions and contract restrictions as all privately delivered services. Failure to comply with these agreements may result in the termination of our partnership and as such provision of any services being delivered. 

You must provide details of your organisation in your application in order for us to assess your eligibility. You must also provide a suitable contact which will be subject to data protection regulations described throughout this polices page.  

We will assess all applicants and select one organisation each quarter/three months to receive the award/project grant. All applicants who are unsuccessful are eligible to apply in future project openings, though with no guarantee they will be selected. 

*Free of charge refers to the cost of any service(s) provided by us, such as designing a brand or website. Your organisation will be liable to a small setup fee to cover any costs of transferring or setting up a website for example. This fee will be disclosed before any project commences to permit full transparency on the scope of the project. Disagreement on this term may lead to the second-place candidate/company being selected in the initially awarded company’s place. 

Contracts and agreements

When you place an order or accept a quotation with Detalo Creative, you will be asked to agree to a contract which will be individually sent to you via email or your client portal account. You will also be sent our full terms and conditions document. Projects will not commence until contracts have been signed and clients are aware of their responsibilities and obligations within both their agreement and our terms and conditions.

These contracts will include information such as (but not limited to) scope of work, timelines, costs, additional fees, IP rights and more. It is your responsibility to review any contracts and the details provided throughout them and inform us of any concerns or amendments prior to agreement. Any changes will be made at the discretion of us and may result in additional fees being processed. 

Payment terms 

We reserve the right to request an initial, discretional deposit of between 25% and 50% of the total cost of any agreed work prior to the commencement of any project or related activity. We also reserve the right to request a further percentage payment midway throughout the project, with any outstanding balance being paid upon completion/delivery of the project/work. Information related to payment and fees will be included in your unique service quotation. You agree to be bound by these payment terms upon requesting a quote and signing an agreement with us.

Once a deposit has been paid and clients have agreed to a project or scope of work, you are bound by these terms and conditions and any agreements you have been sent. This means that you must ensure the whole project balance is paid in full, even if you decide to withdraw or cancel the project. All projects, work and IP produced by us on your behalf will remain the sole property of Detalo Creative until payment has been received in full.

Clients will be given seven days to fulfil their payment/invoice unless this has been otherwise agreed. Any accounts still outstanding after 14 days will be considered defaulted, and any work currently in progress or due to be delivered will be paused or terminated. Customers who find themselves defaulted agree to pay all reasonable fees and expenses related to the enforcement of these terms.


Outstanding balance and late payment

We reserve the right to claim statutory interest at a discretional rate (usually 8%) above the Bank of England reference rate should any payments remain outstanding for an unreasonable/unacceptable period as related to these terms and conditions. This is in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as amended and supplemented by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002. We also reserve the right to claim any costs, expenses or fees incurred as a result of the enforcement of these payment terms. Information on the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 can be found on the website.


These terms and conditions are provided as a foundational agreement. Clients and users agree to these conditions at a minimum in addition to their individually provided and agreed contracts/agreements.

For further information on any of the above, please contact


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